
To enhance public safety, support victims of crime and promote positive change in offender behavior while aiding in their reintegration into society.


To support and educate offenders through supervision, accountability and positive human relationships.

  • Teamwork
  • Accountability
  • Trust
  • Respect

The information contained within this site is provided as a public service by Carson City. This data is subject to change daily. The data used herein was derived from multiple sources and is not subject to independent verification. Therefore, Carson City gives no warranty, expressed or implied, as to data quality, content, accuracy, reliability, or completeness; and does not assume responsibility for the same. Links to external servers do not imply any official Carson City endorsement of the opinions or ideas expressed therein, or guarantee the validity of the information provided.


Welcome to the Department of Alternative Sentencing.

885 East Musser Street, Suite 2080
Carson City, NV 89701

(775) 887-2528
(775) 887-2302 (Fax)